Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Ruffles

 I woke up with a sore throat, so I had to allow a very nice day to simply slip on by. Besides helping Laurie with her LaTeX, I ran drippers, did photos and worked on photos. I went out to the ditch several times today to see if I could get irrigation, but there was really no water, so I gave up after 7:00 pm.

I had ants with my breakfast. Those little boogers manage to get into everything! They are really annoying, but if they get in my food they are going to get eaten!

The photo of the day is a split corona daffodil that would be pink and white if we had acidic soil, but since we have alkaline soil, it comes out peach and white. 

I was stalking a really beautiful black wasp this morning. I was lying on the ground ready to photograph it, when Rosencrantz walked up meowing and scared it off. Kitties! However, I did get another fly on the wild plum blossoms. Apparently, when there is no carrion around, the flies pollinate blossoms along with the bees. This one has pollen all over it. It was too high for Rosencrantz to disturb, but it still took a lot of sneaking around to get the photo.

The elm trees are really just great big weeds, but the emerging leaves were begging to be photographed. The wild plums produce beautiful blossoms. I can see why the bees and flies like them.

I got the sunset plus photos of it casting shadows on the wall, and the sun through the blinds. There's never a dull moment for weird… I mean creative photographers!

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