Sunday, May 1, 2011

Windows Upgrade 2.0

I upgraded two of our windows, which makes it a windows 2.0 upgrade. Long before Microsoft was around, the penetrations in walls with glass in them were called windows. I read several years ago that Microsoft attempted to patent the word windows so that every company used the word or manufactured windows, like the ones I installed yesterday, would have to pay them royalties. I don't believe they got the patent.

We have a single clematis bloom, which got really whipped around in the wind today. I got one clear shot of it. Gypsy Dancer was the second rose to bloom in our garden, with a halfway decent bloom. America put out a rose shortly after Gypsy Dancer, but the bloom was pretty lame.

Puck was checking out the new windows this morning, and seemed to approve. Rosencrantz likes to sit on the handrail by the window and look in, but often he turns the other way and surveys what's going on between the fence and the house.

The wind was fierce and cold most of the day. I noticed the wind calmed down late in the afternoon, but the temperature was still cold. With the wind blowing most of the night it didn't freeze last night, but it will probably freeze tonight.

Gypsy Dancer

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