Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Price Lane

The Nuprogen shot I got yesterday hadn't done much by the time I went in for more blood work this morning.  The nurse was surprised because I have always had huge jumps in both my white counts and neutorphils after I was given Nuprogen. My white counts had gone from 1.5 yesterday to 2.1 today, and they were still hand counting my nuetrophils when I got the Nuprogen injection this morning.

I went to work and felt pretty well most of the day, but I started feeling tired around 4:30 and came home. When I got home, my temperature was 100º F. I took various medications, and laid down for almost an hour. When I got up, my temperature was 102º F, so I called the after hours number and the on call doctor called in a prescription of antibiotics, and I went out to pick them up. That gave me the opportunity to do some photos on the way home from picking up the prescription, since I hadn't taken any photos today. When I got home again my temperature was down to 101º F, and It was 100º F the last time I checked, so I suspect it will be back to normal in the morning.

Fire Station

Driving into the Post Office parking lot

Side entrance to the Post Office

1 comment:

  1. What a long journey, with little bumps and big bumps.
    The photos remind me how grounded you and Laurie are.
    I hope this turns out to be just a little bump.
    Thanks for the post.
