Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ghost Rider

I drove down Silver to Yale, Central to University, Martin Luther King Jr. to I-25 on my way home tonight. Not my usual route for a Thursday, but I was up by the university helping friends with their computers on the way home. I saw this person on the cutest little scooter, the rider, who was dressed in a black, hooded cloak, started to dematerialize for one photo and had worm holes show on either side of the rider in another. I think the scooter was moving interdimensionally, and I can't swear to you that it was a person riding it.

At Silver and Yale is a Chai Shop that was lighted up nicely and a couple of orbs were hanging outside enjoying the night air. Driving down Martin Luther King Jr toward I-25, a large wormhole and multiple orbs were hovering above downtown. I snapped a photo of the Big-I as I drove under it because it was interesting.

I got home pretty late, the kitties wanted attention and then Laurie's parents and sister came by for a visit. The time flew by and now it's late. As I've said many times recently, there simply isn't enough time in a day for everything.

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