Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ant on Crocus

I had to lay in the dirt to get the macro shots of the crocus with the ant, which started a contest between me and Guildenstern to see who could bring the most dirt into the house. After photographing the crocus, I cut trees out of the ditches and mowed the Johnson grass that had grown along the banks. The mower kicked up a lot of dust, so I thought I had Guildenstern for sure, but he not only rolled in the dirt, he also rolled in a bunch of leaves, so I was only mildly dirty in comparison. Guildenstern is very competitive, especially when he's challenged on bringing loads of dirt in the house.

Laurie got the kitchen cleaned up and looking good, so I rustled up enough energy to clean the rest of the house this afternoon — the place looks pretty good, but tomorrow Guldenstern and I will start bring loads of dirt in the house again, and dirty it up in no time.

I went for a walk in the bosque and out on the river this evening. The ducks, geese and sandhill cranes are getting pretty sparse. I guess they must be heading north. The sunset wasn't its best, but not too bad, so I included a photo of it from the riverbed. As I was walking back after the sunset, a great blue heron flew just above the treetops. Its silhouette against the waning sun set was really beautiful, but it was much to dark to photograph with a telephoto lens, and too far away for my fast, normal lens.

1 comment:

  1. You really did a lot today - you must be getting back some energy. I like these kinds of sunsets too - maybe not as fiery as some, but calm and beautiful in their own way.
