Tuesday, March 8, 2011

To The Rescue

I left the office at 6:30 this evening expecting smooth sailing on I-25, but traffic came to an abrupt halt about 1/4 mile north of the Big-I. Not log afterward a rescue truck, then a ladder truck, followed by an ambulance rushed past on the left shoulder on I-25 — all three lanes were packed with cars and trucks waiting to move forward. Traffic slowly started moving as traffic was diverted to the the far right lane. As I drove past the rescue vehicles, there was an SUV on its side and another car with its rear end completely smashed in. Not a good start on the evening.

The amaryllis has split and into five separate buds. I think it will be in full bloom in a couple of days.

My car turned 58,000 miles while I was on Corrales road tonight — I had to photograph it. I usually don't notice an even rollover on the odometer until it''s run over by several miles. I didn't notice when it turned over 57,000 mile until it had 57,010 miles or something like that, and I said to myself "Oh it turned 57,000 miles and I didn't notice!" It's kind of silly, but it's fun to see even turn overs, all the same number turn overs, etc. I remember the odometers on some of the older cars we had turned back to all zeros at 100,000 miles, so seeing 99999 on the odometer was really cool before it turned to 00000, and started counting again.

I put in a photo of our sweet kitty Puck giving Laurie some of his gentle and loving attention. 

I was out and about today, something that's pretty rare for me, but I got called to a meeting outside the office and I drove by Broadway Square. It looked interesting in the gloomy, overcast light as I drove by.

Sweet kitty Puck

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