Monday, March 7, 2011

As the Amaryllis Blooms

One amaryllis is starting to bloom right before our eyes. In the three hours that has passed since I took this photo, the bud has split into four distinct sections with space between three of them. I'm eager to see what stage it will be in by morning. 

Our red amaryllis that produced six blooms at once looks like it's getting ready to produce a new bud. If it does, it will probably start blooming about the time the pink striped one completes its bloom cycle. We may have amaryllis blooms into April.

I'm still pretty congested, but I think it's more due to allergies than a cold right now. I'm trying to keep on top of it so it doesn't turn back into a full blown cold or anything worse. I'm happy I made it through the weekend without having to go into the Cancer Center for Nuprogen shots and infusions of antibiotics like the last two times I started running a fever. A lot of people are getting flus now, so I still have to be extra careful.

Guildenstern was pretty clever tonight. We set the mail on the counter when we got home, and he was laying on it almost instantly, forcing me to give him attention. He stayed on the mail until he saw Rosentcrantz get on my lap, then he jumped off to got a bit to eat while I was occupied with Rosencrantz.  While we were fixing dinner, Guildenstern got up on Laurie's spot and waited patiently, knowing she was going to sit there to eat. Usually he starts pestering her after she's sat down to eat, but tonight he decided to preempt her. Laurie sat down with him while I was still working on dinner, so he was satisfied that he got her attention and let her eat in peace. He was definitely thinking ahead, which we don't always associate with cat-like behavior.

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