Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sunset in Glass

We went to the Dance Theatre of Harlem tonight at Popejoy Hall. Since they don't allow cameras in the auditorium, I left my camera at home. Thus I missed several good photo opportunities as we walked around UNM before the show — including guys dressed up in Star Wars outfits fighting with light sabers, the duck pond at night, and several architectural features that looked really nice under the night lights.

The dance was really great.  One male dancer, seemed to be a lead dancer, was simply incredible; he had a very muscular, ripped body, and was simply stunning to watch. The woman he danced with was an excellent dancer and very flexible. They performed a more modern piece in half red, half black skin tight body suits that was phenomenal. It had very interesting movements, mood and imagery created by the dancers. One dance was performed to live piano. The pianist was fantastic and really earned her keep on the fast and complex music she played to accompany the dancers.

We left ourselves plenty of time to get to the show, since we parked in T parking on the corner of Lomas and University and had to walk clear across campus to get to Popejoy Hall. Since we had time, we walked around campus before the show, so altogether I think we actually spend more time walking tonight than sitting, watching the show. It was, good enjoyable exercise.

The first photo is the sunset taken in a glass top table on Monday, the second is the amaryllis in the kitchen, taken on Wednesday morning, and I took the flower in the bowl last night. Stretch and Puck like flowers in their water.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a good time out. Sorry you missed photo ops as you walked around the campus, but I like all the images posted in tonight's piece. I especially like the one with the amaryllis.
