Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Rainbow of Colors

A Rainbow of Colors is the name of the yellow and white daffodil in the photo of the day. It just bloomed and as it matures the yellow is is supposed to turn pink, but in our alkaline soil, it will probably turn peach. I'll keep an eye on it.

You may notice a couple of changes on the right-hand column of the blog. I now only have our under links and I added a "Blogs" widget for the other blogs I follow:

LOLolli is a exercise in creative writing by Ben Lolli who worked for me in 2009 as part of a technical team on an APS project. His blog is very entertaining, and I've even been quoted on LOLolli.

margarine is murder is Tristan's blog about "exploring the astroturf."

My Right Brain features the handiwork of Sarah Tuite. Sarah is another former employee who, besides being a talented engineer, is also a talented craftsperson and makes and sells all kinds of useful things she shows and discusses on her blog.

Patti Says is by Patti Hoech who owns Patrician Designs which is two doors down from our office at 216 Gold. Patti is a very talented interior designer who we have worked with on various projects over many  years. Patrician Designs carries a wide variety of original art, decorative accessories, bath & body items, and jewelry.

Since a couple of photos of yellow and white daffodils may have been a bit of a let down when you were expecting a "Rainbow of Colors", I included a panorama of dawn stretching her rosy fingers over the Sandias this morning.

The amaryllis is still hanging in there and looking great. I included a photo of it taken this afternoon in the low light just before sunset. While I was photographing a hyacinth, I noticed a movement through the lens. There was a tiny little black ant that I could hardly see with my bespectacled eyes. I focused in on it the best I could, and it was doing some pretty strange things with is antennae.

The kitties were all hanging around in the garden and on the deck when I got home, but I didn't get any good kitty photos tonight, so flowers, the sunrise and an ant are the the fare for this evening.

Dawn stretching her rosy fingers this morning

A very tiny ant

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