Saturday, March 26, 2011

Peach Blossoms

The peach trees are blooming, which means they will probably get frozen. I was out looking for insects to photograph when I noticed the peach blossoms. The insects were few and far between, most likely because we had a couple of hard frosts earlier in the week.

The second stalk on the amaryllis is blooming. It's a smaller stalk and only has two blooms, but they are looking good. 

Mama Manx came in earlier with quite a load of dirt. She posed nicely to show off her coat of sticks, leaves and dirt. Later she got really sassy and slipped out in the dark. Laurie tried to get her but she wouldn't let Laurie get close enough to catch her. I went out and called her. She came running like she was going to come in, but swooped by at the last minute. She didn't calculate how quick I am, so I reached down and snatched her up as she was bounding by me. She was disappointed, but snuggled up with Laurie a little later.

The sun was blasting through some storm clouds late in the afternoon. The clouds finally overcame the sun, but they never produced a drop of precipitation.

New amaryllis off the one that bloomed last week

Mama Manx bringing in a load of dirt into the house

Storm brewing

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