Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stretch N Chair

Stretch was peeking at me through the rungs in the chair trying to get my attention. What he was really doing was catting my place mat. I got down a basket from a top shelf to get some noodles, and Stretch was in the basket quicker than the ants get into our sugar if we leave the top off. He's still lying in the basket curled around the packages of rice crackers and noodles.

I can't resist photographing bees on the plum blossoms, the same goes for the amaryllis. The second stalk of the amaryllis bloomed on Sunday. This stalk was smaller, so it has only two flowers, but they are beautiful. The pink hyacinth I planted in the fall was really pretty in the low light of the sunrise this morning, and a large, dried leaf caught my attention curled up on the ground in the low sun.

We learned that Rebecca Black's "Friday" video was taken down this afternoon. I checked, and sure enough it was removed by the owner. I opened it tonight to show Laurie the message and it was back up. It's up to 64.7 million views. People are speculating that is was pulled because it's the most disliked video on Youtube at 1.2 million dislikes on the official video. Justin Bieber's "Baby" with Ludacris is now in second place as the most disliked video at 1.165 million dislikes; however his video has over 500 million views. On the other hand, a song and video that I found truly obnoxious is Willow Smith's "Whip My Hair" it has 47.5 million views with 157K likes and 42K dislikes. Go figure? 

Frankly, I don't see why either Black's or Bieber's videos are objectionable. The words and content are clean, and the videos are well produced.  I guess there are a lot of people who believe that 13 year olds should not be successful. Envy is a strong emotion.

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