Friday, March 25, 2011

Facial Waxing

I went to the Apple Store today to buy a new iMac for the office. Normally I buy build-to-order Macs so I order them on-line, but in this case, I was buying a standard configuration, so I went to the Apple store. In the past, I'd walk into the Apple Store, find the sales person closest to the door, tell him what I wanted to buy, he'd enter it in his iDevice, I'd pay for it, he'd send the receipt to my email, go to the back, bring out my purchase, and I'd leave — very efficient.  

Not today! I found a tattooed, well pierced young man at the door when I walked in, and I told him what I wanted. He punched my description into his iPad — "Black button down shirt with camera hanging around his neck!" — then he told me a specialist would be with me in a minute. About 20 minutes later another young man with a mohawk came out and asked me what I wanted, I gave him the specs and told him I wanted to do a split tender purchase, and that it was for a business. Well! That required a new genius, but in the meantime he was acting like I didn't know anything about Macs. Then the next young genius arrived. 

They were annoying me by this time, so I told them I had Macs that were older than they were. They looked at me very surprised. I told them if they were born later than 1985 I had Macs older than they were. Whoa! I dropped the bomb on them. Their interest was piqued. I explained that the first Mac we had didn't have a hard drive and we inserted the OS diskette, loaded the OS, then inserted the program diskette, loaded the program, then inserted the diskette that had the data on it. They were dumfounded and couldn't imagine a Mac without a hard drive, let alone a world without the Internet! I started feeling pretty old!

Then I had to call the office, because I couldn't remember the exact amount of a Visa gift card that was given to us instead of a cash refund. I knew it had almost $500, but didn't think to write down the exact amount before I left. Once I got the total and he swiped the card, I had to enter the pin. Okay, out of all the passwords and pin-type numbers I have to remember what did I assign to that card? It only took two tries to get it right. I wanted to use the full balance on the card with one purchase, otherwise they charge transaction fees; doing a split tender with that card and my office charge card made the most sense. I walked out of the Apple store with the new iMac one and a half hours after I walked in. Not the 15 minutes I was used to. It would have cost a fraction of my time to order it on the Internet, which I will do the next time, since the Apple store has become as inefficient and costly to use as any other brick and mortar storefront.

Today's photos include "Facial Waxing" with reflections; sunsets, and a couple of flowers. We got home in time for the kitties to go out, so most of the cats are content. Puck, however, decided to be contrary and instead of coming in with the rest of the cats, he ran down to the other end of the property. He finally came in at 10:30 pm.

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