Thursday, March 10, 2011

Amaryllis by Sunset

Amaryllis by sunset, down from Algodones. I really don't think that's how the song goes, but, by George, I imagine it playing Strait on the radio. Speaking of straight, UNM is on spring break next week; so the cats are looking forward to the possibility of getting to go out and in for up to nine days straight.

Spring is quickly coming upon us. The bulbs are sending up shoots, crocus are blooming and there's water in the irrigation ditch. The gate to dam the water for irrigating is locked, but I'm thinking they will unlock it next week with the time changing Sunday —  then I'll be able to irrigate. The weather widget shows it will be sunny and in the 70's on Saturday and Sunday; therefore, I should be able to get out to clean out the ditches and see if I can plug a few gopher holes this weekend. 

The time change is another matter altogether. I'm just getting where I can sleep through the night, sometimes, and now we will lose an hour Sunday morning at 2:00 a.m. I think daylight savings is a government plot to make sure everyone is tired during tax season so 1) you might not notice how much you are really paying in taxes, and 2) you are more likely to make mistakes so the IRS can penalize you. I think taxes should be due on October 31st, just days before the elections.

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