Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Deep Purple

We brought home a "living bouquet" from Costco tonight. I have no idea what some of the flowers are, but they are interesting. The first photo is the bottom of the light purple flowers in the bottom-center of the photo of the bouquet. The spiral bud doesn't show in the bouquet photo, and the fourth photo is a macro of the big bunch of flowers in the middle of the bouquet.  Guildenstern was vegging on the couch earlier, being a feline couch potato.

The English companion to the "Bestiary" illuminated manuscript I got for Christmas came in today. The facsimile is of the MS Bodly 764 that was produced in the middle of the 13th century. It has descriptions, stories and illustrations of animals as the writer and illustrator knew them at that time. The stories and illustrations generally don't resemble the animals as we know them today, because many of the animals had never been seen in 13th century England, so the stories and illustrations are derived from folklore of the time. The facsimile is in Latin, so the English companion makes it easier to read and understand. The facsimile is exquisite, and the illustrations are simply fantastic.


  1. I love these photos of cats sitting like regular people. lol

  2. Guidenstern thinks of himself as a person. If we had a TV he'd have the remote in his paw.

  3. Hahahaha! I pictured him watching TV.
