Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Police Jump

A couple of Albuquerque Police officers were being civic minded, giving a young woman a jump when I left work today. Or at least I assume they were being civic minded — they didn't have her cuffs before I drove off.

Guildenstern was "helping" Laurie with her Math by lying on all the papers she had spread out on the counter. He's so big he can cover a lot of papers.

When I went out to see if I could get water to irrigate (no luck), I noticed the ants had slowed down in the cooler temperature, which allowed me to get a very sharp photo of one ant who was out strolling about before the sun set.

When I picked up Laurie on Monday,  a science class was out working on a project. They were sprawled all over the steps and sidewalk, holding up instruments toward the sky and writing down the results. 

It wasn't as windy today, but it is really cooling off down here and the kitties are eating a lot. I noticed there was a dusting of snow on the mountains this morning.

Guildenstern helping with math

Science Students

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