As it warms up there are so many things to be done around the house. I started the day hooking up the drip system and repairing broken drip lines. Then I cut dead canes out of some of the rose bushes, and tried to charge the truck battery — it would not charge, so I need to get a new battery. It's wired because I replaced the distributor cap and rotor a couple of weeks ago, started up the truck and drove it around. I guess the couple of hard freezes after that did in the battery.
I hooked up water to the out door kitchen and catio, and had to repair two breaks in the line from the sub-zero temperatures we had in February. The front door had been getting really sticky and hard to open, plus the lockset had worn out after more than 28 years of use. I finally got around to fixing the sticky door and replacing the lockset today.
Between the maintenance and repairs, I did get some photos in. I gave Le long Lens a workout on very small butterflies that won't let me get close to them with a macro lens. The speed of the lens is great because I got the orange butterfly in flight, and the white one when it opened it's wings for a fraction of a second. All the cats were being cute as usual, but Mama Manx won the cute kitty pose of the day.
Wow, the butterfly pics are amazing!