Saturday, February 5, 2011

Outside Looking In

I looked up "Outside Looking In" on youtube, and sure enough, there was a music video by Jordan Pruitt of the same name. Ms. Pruitt's song is definitely not my style of music, and I couldn't relate to the video at all, but like "Inside Looking Out" the opposite is a song title as well.

I'm still recovering from whatever virus I had, so I spent the day hanging around, doing photos of the cats looking in through the window, wanting in. I made them wait until I photographed them looking through the blinds before I let them in, so I usually got an earful when I finally opened the door. I also photographed some of the birds through the window. The birds were hard to photograph because they don't stay in the clear for more than a few seconds.

I spent a good deal of time on Robert Felix's website He's also the author of "Not by Fire but by Ice" about the next ice age. What I found interesting about his site is that a lot of the data and info he presents is what I studied in climatology 30 years ago. Back then global warming wasn't an issue, it was the next ice age. I was mentioning to Laurie that ice ages are triggered when large portions of continents are covered with snow.  That reminded her that she had heard Mr. Felix on Coast to Coast AM and told me to look him up. I also found it interesting that a website about the ice age had advertisements for camera gear. Hmmm! I thought. I have a photo of the day site and it gets advertisements for pretty much everything but camera gear!  Google seems to be missing the boat on the ad sense.

I finally got up enough energy to vacuum the house, and did some LaTeX coding on Laurie's paper. Other than that, I rested, worked on recovering and photographed critters that were outside looking in.

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