Monday, January 31, 2011

Home via "Hong Kong"

My LaTeX has gotten rusty again. Ten years ago I used it to typeset just about everything I wrote using LaTeX; but from years of not using it, I've forgotten most of the markup symbols. LaTeX is a derivative of TeX which is a scripting language used particularly to create and typeset mathematical symbols and formulas together with normal text in papers and books. Mathematicians still use it, so I need to get up to speed on it again so I can teach Laurie how to script her math papers.

Willow's canon worked. Both my white counts and neutrophils were 6 times higher than normal this morning. I would sure hope so after 5 Nuprogen 480 injections. The doctors said that's what they were aiming for. I think they were aiming for anything normal or above, especially after I hardly reacted to the first four Nuprogen shots — it's a good sign that the last three worked so well. I still have a slight sore throat, but that's probably leftover from whatever virus I picked up — now all those white cells will have to work on it. I go back next week to see how my immune system is holding up.

The weather widget is predicting snow and below zero temperatures. It's showing -2 for Wednesday, which means it will be at least -10 or colder if the weather service is correct. We'll see.

With the dreary morning and a busy afternoon at the office, I didn't get any good photo opportunities until the way home tonight; so I did more photos after dark from the car. You can follow my drive home tonight from Gold Ave, downtown to "Hong Kong", about 1/4 mile south on North Coors before Corrales Road, and no more lights.

Gold Ave

5th & Central Ave (old Route 66)

6th & I-40

I-40 & Coors

Coors Road look east at overcast mountains

"Hong Kong"

1 comment:

  1. Loquat is for cough and lung in Chinese medicine. Sometimes i would take the Ninjiom Pei Pa Koa which is an extract of loquat when got sore throat.

    You can access info online @
