Friday, April 29, 2011


I don't understand the media's obsession with royalty. Unless you are completely off the grid, they forced the royal wedding on everyone. I don't know any more about the wedding than the headlines and a few photos on all the news' web sites. But that's too much, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe it's a distraction from the reality that the US is bankrupt. 

The dollar's value is based on the US's good will, and ability to support its allies through aid and arms deals. While the current administration has done everything to erode the US's standing with its allies, gone to war against countries that have not threatened it and it has no diplomatic relationships with or strategic interest in, other countries are dumping the dollar — the possibility of hyperinflation is very real.  

The Federal government spends 8 times more than it takes in, and the Fed continues to print money. Congress acts like it's cut the budget to the bone by theoretically reducing spending by $38 billion — but the deficit grew by over $50 billion while they were haggling over funding for Planned Parenthood. 

As Walter Williams pointed out, if the Federal government leveed a 100% tax on all income of $250,000 or higher, confiscated all the assets of billionaires, and took 100% of the profits of all corporations in the United States, the total would run the government at it's current spending level for less than 8 months.

Now that the wedding is over, what will the media find to distract people with? There's always Lindsey Lohan, Charlie Sheen and the latest fatalities of Dancing with the Stars and the reality shows! Do people really care that much about loser stars and superficial TV shows? Or like the media's obsession with royalty, they are distractions from a flailing Congress, bankrupt government, and economy suffocating under the weight of regulation and a soaring Federal deficit.


  1. Your rant should be broadcast across all major networks and everyone should take note!!! Inasmuch as I love the coverage of the wedding (gotta admit) the grave concerns facing our country and by osmosis, the world, require that we all pay attention - but in order to pay attention we need something - responsible reporting - proper focus - to which we pay that you go Tim!!!! Less about celebrity indulgence in bad behavior - report it and get on with it - the over-indulgence is vulgar. the real issues pose a frightening reality about which many people are ignorant or in denial - the realities would/will be staggering...A good rant paired with lovely photos - talk about a distraction!!!!! :)

  2. Thanks, Patti. Unfortunately when I explain this stuff to most people who don't already understand it, I mostly get blank stares and on occasion verbally attacked for being mean spirited and insensitive!
