Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First Bloom

Austrian Copper bloomed today, almost two weeks earlier than last year. It has lots more buds ready to bloom — as long as we don't get another hard frost it should do pretty well. The 80 degree temperatures a couple of weeks ago that fried some of our new tulips probably encouraged Austrian Copper to bloom early.

One of our iris bloomed, but the sun was behind the clouds until just before sunset, so the photos came out flat. The light should be better tomorrow afternoon if the sky is clear as it's forecasted to be.

The sunset was interesting tonight. It was mostly yellow turning slightly red fairly late. I had expected it to turn various colors as it got later, but it remained mostly yellow.

The sludgescape in my coffee cup this morning had developed a nice set of canyons; so it became part of my sludgescape series. So far the Rwandan knock 'em dead genocide blend creates the most rugged sludgescapes. The San Francisco French roast, which I haven't been able to get lately, created a softer looking sludgescape, and the Argentinian blend shows mild cracking.

The kitties have been pretty lazy lately. They are probably slowing down because of the warmer temperatures, which seems to make everyone a little less frisky.


  1. Tim, how'd you make that flower glow...too cool!
    Love it

  2. It was getting pretty dark so I shined my flashlight behind it.
