Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spider Dance

Just after sunrise this morning I found a crab spider dancing on an iris. She actually seemed to like the attention of being photographed, and posed in many different positions for me. I went out in the early afternoon to move the water, and while I was checking the status of the black iris, the spider presented herself with a tiny wasp she had captured for lunch. On my way to the trash cans this evening, I took another look at the iris, and the spider again presented herself, no wasp this time. I ran in and got my camera, and we had another photo session. At one point she took a dive off the iris and hung on a string of her web. I photographed her dangling off the iris, but between the low light and the wind blowing her around, I couldn't get a clear shot. This tiny spider has been the best little critter model I've had so far.

I ordered two new windows for the house a couple of weeks ago, and had been expecting a call from Lowe's to tell me they were in. I hadn't heard anything, so I went by and checked this afternoon and they were in. We now have new windows in the dance room. They really look great and the cats will like the fact that we can open the windows in the dance room again. 

Puck was lying around in the bamboo this morning, looking as sassy as ever. This was after he climbed up in the peach tree, presented himself and jumped down while we were inspecting the damage from the frost on Wednesday. Laurie got a photo of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern lazing around on the deck (the last photo).

After I left to get the windows, Laurie said that Puck was chasing Mama Manx; then Rosencrantz stepped in and had a round with Puck. You really don't want to mess around with Rosencrantz, AKA claws and fangs, as he is a vicious fighter. Laurie said Rosencrantz chased Puck down and threw him on the ground near the fire pit, then they locked in a cat spat.  Puck managed to get away and took refuge in the bamboo while Rosencrantz circled it looking for him. Laurie finally got Rosencrantz to back off using a broom, after which all the cats calmed down. I noticed several clumps of hair from Puck by the fire pit tonight, and after inspecting Puck, I think Rosencrantz pulled out a couple of Puck's mats in the fight.

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