Friday, April 8, 2011

Cat Man

I pulled up behind a Jaguar at a stop light this morning and noticed the license plate read "CATGIRL". That reminded me that I was called "Cat Man" by a guy we used to hang around with in the band room when I was in high school. I can't remember his name for the life of me, but I started thinking about him after seeing that license plate. The reason he called me Cat Man is because he would tell stories of torturing cats and I would object rather strongly. 

The guy was wild and told us all kinds of tales. I remember telling him that he was going to get killed doing the things he told us at the time. Not long after I dropped out of high school I heard that he had been killed in a car accident. I wasn't surprised, but I felt really bad at the time because it's always sad when someone you know dies, and I remember telling him he would be killed — rather difficult to think about when I was 16.

As I started remembering more about that guy in those days and his all his stories, I realized that if he had lived, he may very well have become a serial killer. I realized that he displayed some of the early behaviors common to most serial killers: he had a grandiose sense of self worth, and lack of empathy. He tortured small animals and was a pyromaniac by his own admission.  If he was a bed wetter into his teens, which is another childhood condition common among serial killers, who knows?


  1. Interesting creepy questions you raise.
    I love all of tonight's photos, especially the second and fourth.
    What was the second one taken through? And, what is the fourth one?
    The second one keeps drawing me back and into it. To me, a really great photo that stands out even with all the other really great photos.

  2. The second photo are shadows on the wall. The sunset was lame, but the shadows and color reflecting off the white wall were great.

    The fourth photo is a tulip leaf.

  3. That second photo is just mesmerizing.
    Thanks for the explanation.
