Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Lilies

I forgot to put razors on the list when I went to the store on Sunday afternoon, so I dropped by on my way home to get razors, and wouldn't you know it they got a fresh shipment of Easter lilies in. Well, we've been needing something to replace our petered out poinsettias, so I bought six Easter lilies. The cats really approved, because the poinsettias were getting pretty spindly and not very good to hide behind to launch ambushes.  The lilies are tall and full so there's lots of foliage and flowers to hide behind.

I was only going to have the lily photos tonight, but then Guildenstern had to be cute on Laurie's "Commutative Semigroup Rings" book that she has on loan from Oregon State University. Then there was another cute photo of Mama Manx posing on the rail among the roses from yesterday, so I couldn't resist putting it in as well.

I was on good track to get photos processed and the blog posted earlier tonight, then we got distracted with old Flip Wilson videos. Anyone remember sister Geraldine, "the Devil made me do it!" and "Here comes the judge!"? Flip Wilson was a really funny guy.

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