Saturday, April 23, 2011

Let There Be Light

Guildenstern was reaching out his paw as I photographed him helping Laurie with her math. Was it AT&T that had the "reach out and touch someone" ads? I remember the ads, but we haven't had a TV in so long I don't remember.

Messing around with Photoshop, I figured out how to do the water reflection effect, so I included a photo of Austrian Copper half submerged in water.

The color on the blue iris in correct. I used manual settings for the exposure, because light blue flowers often photograph as a deeper blue to purple using the auto settings. Blue is one color rose hybridizers have never gotten.

Photographing those little white butterflies was so much work, I had to include another one in flight in tonight's photos.

The lead photo is one of the Easter lilies I brought home last week with the low afternoon sun shining on it. In order to get detail in the white flower, the background ended pure black. It's actually a very nice effect and appropriate for Easter.

I spent much of the morning reattaching trellis the plants had pulled off the wall, cursing them the whole time. The plants were heavy and completely out of control. The problem is I only have two hands, so I had to use my head to push  and hold the plants and trellis against the wall while I attempted, multiple times, to reattach the trellis. One problem was in order to get the stepladder close enough to the wall so I could pin the trellis against the wall with my head, I had to set it sideways. Physics has these certain properties, so whatever force you apply one direction, the same amount of force goes in the opposite direction, so the ladder kept pushing away from the wall, and was on only two legs instead of four while I was pushing the trellis against the wall (with my head, of course).

The add insult to frustration, I dropped two out of three screws I tried to drill into the trellis. I got so frustrated with the wisteria on the west side on the house, that I finally screwed the branches to the wall because 3 inch screws were not long enough to secure the trellis. The wisteria had grown in behind the trellis, which helped pull it off the wall.

I finally prevailed after a long battle, but not without wanting to give up on gardening as being way too much trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo of Guildenstern reaching out. Funny, Alex is always reaching out for my cheek when he is in my lap; Paco, virtually never.
    I love all the photos. But, the absolute to-die-for beauty of the blue iris with the correct color has to be one of my all-time favorites of yours. From one photographer to another, "Congratulations!"
    A very Happy Easter to you and Laurie, and all of your family. Susan
