Friday, April 22, 2011

Flight of the Butterfly

These tiny white butterflies have been very shy, but tonight they were playing around and feeding in the vinca just before sunset. They land for only a moment and have their wings together, so unless I'm on the ground, I can't get a profile shot of these little critters. From above they look like knife edges until they fly, then they beat their wings very fast and fly in random circles. I ended up hovering over the vinca and when one would land anticipate when it would take flight again.

The flowers tonight include a dried up tulip, a purple and white iris, honeysuckle, Easter lily with shadow, purple and yellow iris, and dianthus. There where a couple of dragon flies out tonight, but they wouldn't let me get near them with a macro lens. I will probably have to use a telephoto for dragon flies.

Puck gave us a really hard time about coming in tonight. He figured since it was nice out, and there was good sport in chasing the neighbors' cats around the yard, he didn't need to come in. Laurie finally got him, but it was no easy task.

Yahoo news had an article about a calico cat the wound up on the shore of Governors Island in New York all wet. The island's staff believes she had to swim a mile from the Jersey coast to get to the island. The story is at if you would like to read it.

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