Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Aging Flowers

Some of our flowers are getting old. The second bloom of the amaryllis is about faded away, and one of the orchids we got over six weeks ago is starting to shed its blossoms. Aging flowers make great subjects.

The third photograph is of some vinca blossoms under the black bamboo looking westward toward the setting sun.

I had my port flushed this morning. It went well as both ports drew blood right off. Often the right side of the port gives us problems, but it was working great today. I'll go back in on May 3rd for the next port flush. I'm not sure how long the doctor wants to leave it in, but I'll see what she says when I see her in June.

Laurie was home today, so the kitties got free reign to go out and in all day — they are all very happy tonight.

Vinka looking westward

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