Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Same As It Ever Was

I'm starting to feel like the line in David Burn's "Once in a Lifetime" where he hits his forehead with the palm of his hand, while he repeats  "Same as it ever was!" over and over. The song is on the Talking Heads album "Stop Making Sense", which I think I managed to do some time ago. Befitting "deja vu all over again" I have more photos of kitties, flowers and tonight's sunset, although the sunset is a panorama looking north to east.

I read Ben Stein's diary today. He is truly interesting — traveling all over the country, meeting interesting people, and giving talks at all kinds of venues. He is in movies and commercials so he has notoriety — something I don't have outside work and family. 

I've really noticed lately how my activities have really narrowed — between dropping Laurie of at UNM, going to work, picking Laurie up from school and going home, watering plants, a little gardening, and trying to irrigate, I don't do much else. I get a few photos on the run, but mostly I photograph the kitties, flowers and critters in the yard, and I write this blog. It's all well and good, but I realized it's pretty dull after reading Ben Stein's diary. Who knows, he might wish for a duller life, but while he lives the "once in a lifetime" life daily, I'm stuck with "the same as it ever was!"

Laurie says this "dull" life is a good life, and asked me what more can I ask for than driving her to school in a sporty car three days a week and coming to flowers and happy cats? Exciting can be getting attacked by a bear (we just read some stories about bear attacks). So basically, she thinks I need to quit complaining, keep doing photographs of the kitties, garden and critters in the yard, and not think about Ben Stein!


  1. I think this is a time for routine, after a year that has been anything but routine. I agree with Laurie that each day is something to be enjoyed.
    Do you realize how beautiful the photos in your "routine" are, or how much your readers enjoy your kitties? Well, we enjoy your routine right now. Who knows - it might be a lot more exciting than that of your readers. :-)

  2. What I enjoy about your routine is that you see the details of life--in plants surrounding you--in insects--then the larger things like the moon, sunrise, sunset--and you have an appreciation for God's creation that most people don't even notice. Some people travel the world but can't "see" what is in their own back yard. Besides, you share these observations with your family and friends and we really enjoy it. You have done some pretty neat travel, but as Susan said this has been a good year to savor the peaceful home life. Thanks for sharing. Ann
