Saturday, February 26, 2011

Not Another Sunset

Laurie's learning LaTeX. It's a math thing. Whoever said math isn't sexy?

The one thing that's good about bad weather is we usually get good sunsets out of it; therefore, tonight's photos are the same as it ever was. Just flip your hair, role your eyes, and in a low, sarcastic voice say "It's déjà vu all over again!" It helps work the monotony out of looking at more sunset photos.

I also included another cute photo of Puck. Mamma mia! No un'altra foto di gatto! Well! Yes! Puck was just being too cute this afternoon. The other kitties were also being cute, but Puck was the most photogenickly cute.

The orchids have lasted a week and even put out more blooms. We're encouraged. They also smell good. So not only do I have nice looking orchids arching over my computer, I get the added benefit of their pleasant scent.

Besides working on my infestation of cat and sunset photos, I managed to do some watering, a little laundry, a bit of yard work, and got groceries. Laurie worked on math, house work, and made a wonderful Puree of Sweet Potato & Ginger Soup with Apple-Mint Raita for dinner. It was creamy and quite spicy with the ginger and jalapeños. She found the recipe in our Fine Cooking archives.

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