Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guildenstern Help

Having no immune system isn't much fun — being sick with no immune system is the pits. My white counts are making "baby steps" towards recovery, as the doctor put it. They increased from 2.2 yesterday to 2.4 today. 3.7 is the low end of normal for white counts. They are still having to count my nuetrophils by hand. Yesterday they were 0.4 down from 0.5 on Tuesday. 1.6 is the low end of normal for nuetrophils. The doctor thinks I have a virus and my body is using all the white cells and neutrophils my bones are producing quickly from the Nuprgen shots to fight it, making it very hard for my white counts to get ahead. 

While the antibiotics I'm taking will do nothing against a virus, they keep my system in balance and work against potential bacterial infections. I got another Nuprogen 480 injection today, I'll go in tomorrow for blood work, and they will give me another injection if my white counts are still low. Previously, I had reacted very well to the Nuprogen shots and my immune system bounced back very quickly. But my body wasn't fighting a virus when I got the shots previously.

The kitties are doing well. They went out first thing this morning, and came back in on their own before we left for the Cancer Center. It was 19º F on the deck, around 8:00 am, so it was at least 5º F colder in the garden. The cats were very happy to get to go out again when we got back in the early afternoon. It got pretty warm in the house this afternoon from the sun shinning in through the south facing bay windows, which caused my temperature to spike.

I didn't get a chance to do much photography today. I managed to get a couple of shots of the amaryllis in the late afternoon sun, making me think that I was going to have to put up more amaryllis photos; but Guildenstern saved the day by helping Laurie while we were watching videos of tetrahemihexahedrons and the like.

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