Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Orbs, Worm Holes, and Ghosts! Oh no!

From time to time, the various hosts on Coast to Coast AM have shows about ghosts and aliens with various discussions of orbs, worm holes and other dimensions. I think I captured orbs and maybe even worm holes in today's photo. 

I was sitting at the light at Coors/Alemeda/NM 528/Corrales Road waiting to turn left onto Corrales Road from NM 528. I noticed a strange looking character waiting for the light on the NW corner to my left. The light turned green for south bound traffic, he walked across the intersection, passed in front of my car, and then simply vanished after he passed through the beam from the headlight of the car in the lane to my right. While it was probably just an optical illusion, I decided to snap a photo of the intersection right after he disappeared — sure enough the camera caught several flares that look quite suspicious. Orbs? Worm holes? Did the stranger simply slip into another dimension? 

I've looked at many of the photos of orbs, ghosts and aliens that were posted on Coast to Coast AM's website from time to time, and they always look like light reflections, lens flares or blurry objects in the sky. I suppose if there are other beings advanced enough to travel light years to earth from who knows where in outer space, they must have technology that doesn't allow cameras to focus on them, because photos of UFOs are always blurry. But orbs and ghosts? It's interesting to ponder what the camera captures that we can't see or don't notice when we take pictures. 

Several years ago we stayed at the historic Menger Hotel next to the Alamo in San Antonio, TX. It's reported to be haunted, and on a rainy morning I wanted to photograph the façade of the Hotel before we left, so I ran out in the rain, snapped two quick photos, and ran back out of the rain. In the first photo, a second story window is blank. In the second photo, a diminutive figure of a woman dressed in what looks like 19th century dress is at the window. The figure is too small to be an adult, but doesn't resemble a child. My camera was 5 megapixals, but I usually shot at 3 megapixals because I didn't have a large memory card at the time; therefore, when I zoomed in on the window, the figure became very pixilated and looked more like a photo of a UFO than a woman. However, of all the ghost photos I've looked at, I believe that one comes closest to capturing a ghost on film, err, on a memory card.

That same year, we were in Tyler, TX touring rose nurseries with members of the Albuquerque Rose Society. On a very rainy afternoon, Laurie, Tristan and I were exploring the area and came across an old plantation house in the woods, that I believe was a museum, but it wasn't open. We walked around the area, and I did photos of the old house, including some through the windows and glass in the doors. The camera picked up many interesting reflections and lens flares that looked as ghostly and orb-like as any I'd seen on Coast to Coast's website. The old house sitting in the woods, looking abandoned under a gray, wet sky certainly fit the image of a haunted house. Did I capture some of the spirits on my memory card? It's fun to let the mind wonder.

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