Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Galeria

I drive by the Galeria almost every night during the week. I'm not sure what was different about it tonight, but it called out to me to photograph it as I drove by for the who knows how many thousandth time over the years. Once considered really cool with it's underground mall; I'm not sure what's in it anymore. I know there's a gym, because I see people in workout clothes going in and coming out of the glass enclosure that leads to the underground, but other than that, I haven't been under the Galeria in years — I simply drive by it as I make my way to I-25.

I missed the sunset tonight. I was working on an exciting web application for doing budget allocations, budget shifts, and changes of scope; by the time I left the office the sun had set and darkness hung over the city, slipping between lights, lurking around corners and looming in alleyways. My subconscious might have prompted me to photograph the lights of the Galeria in lieu of the sunset.

My gas gage warning light came on as I passed a Prius on the right, since the driver apparently felt 65 was all anyone needed to drive in the fast lane on I-25. As soon as the drivers in the middle lane passed him at 70, I was able to get around him to the open fast lane ahead of him and get back up to 80. I wasn't sure what prompted my low on gas warning light to come on at that moment, but it seemed funny at the time. 

As I pulled into the "Gas Stop", a tanker truck blocked the lane. The driver had finished putting hoses back on the truck, but he had the front of the truck open like it needed repair. I filled up my tank, wrote down the mileage and stats, and the driver of the tanker was still standing in pretty much the same place when I drove in and photographed him. For some reason it seemed as strange as when my low gas light came on. 

I backed out and continued home with a full tank of gas. The sky grew darker as I drove out of the city lights. I parked, looked up into the sky as I got out of the car, and thought about how nice it is to see the stars through the vapor of the thin clouds that veiled the sky. Nice to be home with Laurie and the kitties.

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