Monday, January 3, 2011

City Lights

When I bought the new battery for my car yesterday, I also got new windshield wiper blades. Having a clean windshield really helps with my drive-by photography — the camera doesn't have to decide whether to focus on the streaked windshield or what I'm trying to photograph. Doing photographs out the side windows is much easier, since I simply roll down the dirty windows. So tonight I got photos of the city lights while driving east on Paseo Del Norte, and some interesting lens flares from the left turn lane for the offramp to Coors Blvd. I snapped the building with red fishbone lights off 6th street this morning.

The kitties were rioting earlier in the day. Puck printed out three pages of printer settings without getting his tail caught in the printer. He thinks he's being really pesky printing stuff on his own. That's perfectly okay with me. A few pages are better than having to take the printer apart, put the exit roller assembly back together and reassembling the printer. Puck was outside while I repaired the printer after he got his tail caught in it. I'm glad he didn't see the problems he caused, otherwise, he would probably try to get as much of himself as possible stuck in the printer.

Laurie cooked a really good Tandoori chicken recipe that came with our new toaster oven tonight. It had all the Indian spices, but wasn't anything we've had in Indian restaurants. We were discussing the difference and decided that since this recipe was not drowned in cayenne pepper and salt, we could taste the flavors of the freshly made garam masala and other spices. The leftovers are going to make great lunches.

The temperature was 10º F when we went to bed last night, but it had warmed up to15º F by 5:30 am after the clouds rolled in during the night. I remembered to step out the back door of the office at 7:00 to see colorful sunrise, but I didn't see the sunset tonight because I was still at the office at 5:00 pm and forgot to look outside. When I left at 6:00 pm is was dark, so after dark, drive-by photography was the modus operandi for today.

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