Friday, January 21, 2011

Gerbera Daisy

I'm feeling a little better tonight, but I'm still really sniffly with a slight headache. Yesterday, I planned on leaving work at 3:30 pm and ended up leaving at 7:30 pm. By the time I got home I was feeling so bad and so tired I could hardly think straight.  Ten to fourteen hour days used to be easy, but with a compromised immune system and other aftereffects of chemo, I'm finding long days are really hard to do.

I found some Rwandan Knock em Dead, Genocide blend coffee beens when we where grocery shopping tonight. Anyone who followed my CaringBridge journals may recall that I dribbled the same coffee from the elevator to the first bed in pre-op at Presbyterian Hospital last October, which caused general panic among the staff, forcing them to call out Hazmat to clean it up. Now that I have 3 lbs of it, I need to find more places to dribble it where I can cause general pandaemonium.

We also found a beautiful bouquet of flowers on our shopping trip this afternoon. Laurie noticed that I get a lot of good out of photographing a bouquet of flowers. Flower photos are a nice change from photographing scenery in the middle of winter. Given the fact that I've worked from dawn till after dusk most of the week, I have been forced to take most of my photos in low light or in darkness from the car.

My plan is to rest as much as possible over the weekend to see if I can get rid of these sniffles and start feeling better.


  1. I hope you feel a lot better after some rest.
    The flower photos make me smile.
    I've got to try some of that coffee. What is the real name (unless, of course, that is the real name)?

  2. The coffee is simply Rwandan. Costco has it under the Kirkland name. Ground fine, it makes a thick, sludgy coffee that's pretty potent.

  3. OK. Thanks for the info. I just signed up for Social Vibe (took a few years off my age).
