Friday, January 7, 2011

Chem Trails

After our late night last night, I got up later and went to work in daylight. As I headed out of the drive, I noticed the sky was full of con trails that looked like morning rush hour for jets had just ended. I stopped at the top of the road, looked at the sky for a moment and then snapped a photo. A black honda CRV had stopped on the road in front of me. The driver was probably lost, but perhaps she was admiring the sky as well.

Some people call the condensation from jets "chem" trails and have all kinds of theories about what they are and what they do to us. I hope the occupants of the Honda weren't having seizures or some sort of paralysis because of the overwhelming display of "chem" trails hanging in the sky above them — I didn't stop to see why the car was loitering on the road. But I thought about it after UNM parking police ticketed a car for three days before they figured out the woman sitting in the driver's seat was dead.

I left work during daylight hours as well today. I had put in enough hours from dark to dark to warrant arriving and leaving during daylight hours today. I could not see a cloud in the sky as I headed home, and decided to take a different route home tonight, in hopes of finding a good photo op along the way. The traffic was heavy and nothing looked particularly appealing to warrant either stopping or snapping a drive-by, so my camera got a break on my drive home this afternoon, as I endured traffic and enjoyed the calming blue of the winter sky.

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