Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Don't Point That Thing At Me

This spotted towhee gave me a really dirty look for photographing him. They usually hang out it the branches of the wild plums, making it hard to photograph them, but this one was bold enough to land on our mutant Peace rose, where I could get a got shot of him. He simply gave me "mad dogs" before flitting off into the plum branches. Maybe that was his way of giving me the bird!

Guildenstern was laying out by the fire pit watching birds flit around in the black bamboo. All I could see was the back of his head and ears sticking up above the edge of the fire pit as he followed the birds' movements.  He just laid there and watched the birds. I suppose the bamboo is enough of a barrier to make the response cost of going after the birds too high, even for a cat.

1 comment:

  1. Great shot of the towhee, one of my favorite birds here!
