Sunday, February 20, 2011


I think I the green chile chicken enchilada casseroles I made today are one of my best. I also made a big pot of chicken soup stock we use in recipes. Laurie made some chocolate/coffee bark using a mixture of dark chocolate, orange chocolate and Rwandan knock 'em dead genocide blend coffee beans.  

The photos today are mostly flowers and tonight's sunset. I didn't really get out much today with all the cooking and cleanup, so I photographed flowers in the bouquet we got from Costco last Monday. Since we have a floral refrigerator, we can get about a month out of a bouquet flowers. The different flowers bloom as it sits out on the table while we are home, and then the refrigerator keeps them fresh at night and when we are at work and school. The floral refrigerator seemed extravagant when we bought it, but not only does it keep flowers fresh, it keeps fruits and vegetables fresh about 5 times longer than a normal refrigerator. I don't know how we did without it.  The drawback is it's noisy compared to a regular refrigerator.

I don't know if it was the wind or the cloudy, dreary weather, but the cats and bird all seemed disturbed this morning. They were antsy, whiny and nervous, but as the day wore on they settled down and started acting normal. My joints have be aching today — I suppose whatever is making my joints hurt was disturbing the animals. 

After sampling some of Laurie's chocolate/coffee bark, I'm a little wired, yet I'm tired from all the cooking, cleaning and working on photos today. Tonight might be one of those strange nights for sleep.

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