Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feeling Blue

This iris is interesting. In bright sunlight, or backlit through the bay windows, it's very blue. Under incandescent light it's purple. I put the iris in the sun streaming though the bay window late in the afternoon, which gave it a brilliant blue. Blue is difficult to achieve in flowers, and so far no one has produced a blue rose. But this iris definitely puts on blue in the sun, The second photo is the same iris photographed under incandescent light.

I was sitting on the floor photographing the backlit amaryllis leaves against the mirror this afternoon. Laurie walked in and asked what I was getting out of half dead plants. The third photo is one of my photos of "half dead plants!"

The weather was pretty nasty today with the wind kicking up dust, short flurries of snow and the temperature progressively dropping throughout the day. The cats went out in short spurts, and Rosencrantz laid on my lap many times throughout the day, snuggling in, keeping me down. My joints are really complaining about the weather, which is fairly normal.

The bad weather didn't produce much of a sunset tonight; however, the Sandias were a beautiful pink. I included a slightly different view of the pink Sandias, since I didn't feel like venturing out to the river to get an unobstructed view in the cold wind and blowing dust.


  1. I love the flowers, and, of course, the red Sandias with the old tree limb.
    Sorry you were achy today. I can sympathize - I didn't go out all day and I thought it was just me with the aches and pains. I didn't even snap to the change in the weather.
    Here's hoping we both feel better tomorrow - it is supposed to be warmer. :)

  2. My weather widget shows 70ºF by Wednesday;• )

  3. I hope your weather widget is right!
