Friday, February 18, 2011

La Polla del Amaryllis

I was quite surprised to learn one of the worst videos ever made by Will Smith's daughter is banned in Spain. This is the country that had porn all over the news stands, sex and nudity on public television and didn't edit films shown on public TV for sex or violence like they do it the States. I remember Cronicas Marcianas, a late night comedy show kind of like Johnny Carson meets Saturday Night Live, devoted a show to Conde Lequio's privates.

Conde Lequio is a rather well endowed playboy who has some claim to royalty in Spain. He was quite a tabloid and late night sensation in the late '90s, and it turns out his manhood is still popular in Spain. I did a Google search on Conde Lequio and one of the top results was a fairly recent article entitled "La Polla del Conde Lequio."  Back then Lequio claimed innocence about the paparazzi taking photos of him naked on a boat with some chica. The press asked him if he had his manhood insured, and there was much talk about "el tamaño sí importa."  The Spaniards got a lot of mileage out of Lequio.

I can't imagine why a video with a little girl whipping her hair around, making Pollockuesque paint splatters on the walls would be banned in Spain.  Could be copyright issues, or perhaps they don't want little girls getting whiplash while spattering paint on everything.

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