Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Northern Sunset

The PET scan was the same as it ever was. Got an injection of radioactive sugar, had to sit in quarantine for an hour while my body either takes up the RS or starts processing it, go to the bathroom then lay motionless on the table while they send me through the PET/CAT/MRI donuts for 25 minutes. The tech said good job, as in laying still. I gathered up my things and left.  Next Tuesday I see Dr Marshall for the results.

Todays photos are the sunset in the north from the other night and a French restaurant.  The cats have been wanting a lot of attention lately. Guildenstern wants to lay across one of our arms on whatever surface we are sitting. Rosentcrantz wants to lay on my stretched out legs, and Puck wants to fight with us. Stretch got on Laurie's lap for a while tonight, which is out of the ordinary for him. He was been talking to me a lot and making me pet him and share my food him him, lately. Mama Manx and DinĂ© tend to want attention when we are in the bedroom. DinĂ© has a whole routine she goes through when Laurie stretches every morning.

So far the orchids are surviving. The pink spotted one is even putting out more blooms.  We finally got a humidifier, which should help all of us. I've been having sinus problems and some of our kitties wheeze, so getting some moisture in the air should help all of us breath better, and help keep the orchids happy.

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