Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stuck Mama

Mama Manx likes to play this game where she gets up on the roof, comes down to a trellis that's about 7 feet high and acts like she can't get down. She paces back and forth on the 18 inch 2X4 that tops the trellis, venturing out on the wisteria occasionally to see if she can walk down it to the railing on the porch. She acts very pathetic until I reach up, get a good hold on her, bring her down and put her inside.  She gets all excited and happy that I rescued her, drinks water, eats, then goes back out side and gets on the roof again. We go through the same routine over and over. She seems to really get a thrill out of it.

If I I simply go back inside and leave up there long enough she will get down by herself, but then she acts miffed that I didn't rescue her. If I'm not home, she'll act pitiful for Laurie, but since Laurie can't reach her without getting a step stool, Mama Manx is left to her own and she gets down by herself for Laurie.

Laurie says she training me to get her off the roof, which is true and fine by me. My rescuing her seems to make her very happy and a happy kitty is a healthy kitty.

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