Monday, February 28, 2011

More Flowers

I think beaker saw our ghost tonight. I was taking him to his cage to put him to bed, and just as we started to go into the study, he freaked and flew straight back to his perch in the kitchen. He refused to go into the study for about an hour after that. He finally decided the coast was clear and let me put him to bed.

I was reminded that the blue flower yesterday is an iris and not a lily. I fixed it in the post. I had lilies on the brain, I guess.

We got a new bouquet of flowers tonight, and I photographed of some of the flowers that came in it. One flower that's different is the blue hydrangea. It's way too dry to grow them in our garden, but when we were in northern Spain, we saw walls lined with hydrangeas. They were really beautiful.

Lastly, I included a photo of my coffee cup at the office before I washed it this morning. The dried sludge from the Friday's Rwandan knock 'em dead genocide blend looks kind of like the dried, cracked clay I see on the river. If your coffee doesn't leave behind clay-like sludge, it just isn't strong enough!

I've been told strong coffee will put hair on my chest. I'm still waiting for the five hairs they shaved off my chest when they put the port in to grow back. Speaking of ports, I have to have my port flushed after I see the doctor tomorrow. Any wagers on whether or not I have an immune system?


Bells of Ireland with a Daisy

Dried sludge

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