Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bird Bath

The hose finally thawed out at 3:00 pm. I hooked it up to the drip system on the circle garden, but most of the drip system's hoses weren't thawed, so I ended dripping only one section of the garden.  The weather was really nice today, and even though it got up into the 50s, it wasn't enough to thaw out the drip system.  I went for a walk along the river this afternoon and found a few places where there was still ice on the river.

Our conure decided it was warm enough to take a bath this morning, so I photographed him bathing in his water dish. He is often shy when I bring out the camera, but he hammed it up for me while taking his bath.

I felt pretty good today and did a lot of piddling around in the garden, and took a long walk in the bosque and out on the river, so I'm guessing my immune system is holding up at the moment.  

The river was down enough that I was able to walk through some sticky mud onto one of the sand bars the conservancy mutilated. The sand bar looks like a war zone with all the trees and bushes plowed into the sand, ripped and torn branches stick up through the soil that is poked full of holes where trees once stood. I still can't figure out the point of their destruction; currently it's only in an area maybe a third of a mile long, and they have not been very consistent in the clearing, either. The bulldozers and hoover craft are gone now, so either they ran out of stimulus money, or a project that gave them even greater opportunity for destruction came along. By the haphazard look of what they've done, the project sure looks like a government make work project, a la WPA; especially, since there seems to be no rhyme or reason way the conservancy would need to clear vegetation off of a third mile of sand bars in the middle of the river.

The weather is supposed to be even warmer tomorrow. Perhaps it will warm up enough to thaw out the drip system so I can get some winter watering done.

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