Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Green Buildings

I drove home by a different route tonight and photographed a couple of green buildings, the last gasp of dusk and an apparition of a building where an egg ranch used to be.

My immune system is hanging by a thread. My white counts are a point low, and my neutrophils are on the border of normal and low. I'll go in again next week to see if it's holding up or failing me again. Often I can tell when my immune system has gone south, but not all the time.

I read an interesting article about sleep paralysis at the Cancer Center this morning. Sleep paralysis is when your brain paralyses you so you so you won't act out your dreams, but you can actually be conscious during sleep paralysis, having nightmares and realizing you are unable to move or wake up. The article mentioned that people feel weight on their chest, shortness of breath and feel like they are being attacked. Many cultures have blamed demons, and the article speculates that people who believe they've been abducted by aliens were probably victims of sleep paralysis.

I could really relate to the article, especially when it mentioned that sleeping on your back induces sleep paralysis more often than other positions. I sleep on my back and often wake up in the night unable to move, with pressure on my chest. I always put it off as having several cats laying on me, and Rosencratz or Stretch standing on my chest looking at me like gargoyles, expecting me to get up and feed them. But maybe I'm only dreaming that I'm pinned down by cats, and its my brain that's pinned me down, keeping me from acting out whatever weird dream I was having before I thought I woke up and was pinned down by cats.

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