Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reflections on Blue

I walked in the bosque this afternoon before sunset. The Conservancy is slowly plowing out the tamarisk from the sandbars in the middle of the river. As I stood on the bank sadly surveying their handiwork, I noticed dark reflections in the dawdling current by the river's bank as the light waned into dusk. I watched the shapes twist and dance on the softly undulating water then break up as they ventured into a more active current. The show lasted only a few minutes before the shadows from the banks drew a curtain on the performance; but for that short time I got lost in the expressions, taken by the elegance and beauty simple reflections can offer.

The tamarisk wearing yellow-orange in the low afternoon sun in the photo below will soon be gone. Although, I did notice they are leaving the young cottonwoods standing on the sandbars. At least something is sacred to the conservancy.

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