Saturday, December 18, 2010

Shooting Pumpkins

We started the day by going to the Men's breakfast and listening to Lee Domann, song writer and story teller, sing, play the guitar and tell stories. We picked up a student and his luggage from the dorms at UNM in the early afternoon. He was in one of Laurie's math classes, and had to be out of the dorms today. Since his flight back to England is tomorrow morning, we spent the afternoon on the range shooting pumpkins filled with paint. They explode wonderfully when hit with hollow point ammo. So not only did Jack get to do what few Brits get to do — shoot a gun — he got to shoot pumpkins, get showered with the resulting pieces of pumpkin that fell all around us, and take videos and photos home of how he spent his last afternoon in the USA.

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