Friday, December 24, 2010

A Farewell to Dawn

Dawn slept in this morning, worn out from working overtime this week painting the morning skies. Good thing too. Laurie threatened to take away my medieval literature and Homer if I wrote another sappy description of the dawn. Sigh! I was saving images of silver hair, ruby lips and sapphire eyes to describe the next spectacular sunrise. Oh well, I guess I'll have to resort to modern descriptions of dawn and dusk — the sunrise was colorful this morning — the sunset was pretty red tonight.

By the time we got out of acupuncture tonight, the sun had set, leaving a bright stripe of light between the horizon and the clouds that was slightly softened by the drizzling rain. The wet streets reflected the city lights, creating a sharp contrast between the bright horizon, the gray clouds and the slick, wet pavement. A leaf lay in the middle of the street, lit only by the headlights of the cars as they passed on either side of it. An interesting, but slightly dangerous photo opportunity for a man dressed in black on a dark, raining evening.

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