Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Cactus & Drive By's

Our Christmas cactus is blooming, sporting interesting pinkish-red flowers with white accents. It really helps add to the Christmas spirit, especially against the cold, stark light of the frosty, December mornings that pierce the sunroom's window as the sun rises.

I got a couple of interesting drive by shots tonight. One of these days I'm going to have to put together a book of Drive By's featuring the various photos taken from my car while driving. It's always fun to see what I get by chance and how well-focused the photos will be. My camera doesn't have much trouble focusing on objects out either side window even at 75+ MPH, but it has a really hard time focusing on anything through the windshield that's moving directly towards it. I guess it can't fix the focus quickly enough, and gets confused trying to deal with objects moving towards it, gives up and doesn't focus; however, it can quickly focus on objects moving laterally. When set to intelligent auto mode, the camera can detect it's moving at high speed when it sees objects zipping by, and can adjust appropriately, even at night.

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