Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rain and Snow

Rain is rare in the Albuquerque area, so when it rains all day like today, wet streets tangle traffic, causing terrific slow downs for commuters. The rain pattered on the roof through the night, came down increasingly harder all day, and turned into a mixture of rain and snow in the late afternoon. Now, a very wet snow is now falling.

The rain changed into snow, then back to rain numerous times on the way home tonight. Visibility would be very low, then all of a sudden the pouring rain would turn to a drizzle, like some one turned off a faucet, allowing for a clear view of the road and traffic until I drove into the next deluge a few hundred yards later. 

Besides the general annoyance of slow traffic, the wet streets and saturated air produced colorful reflections on the various surfaces and interesting halos around the lights that made the drive home, and the resulting photographs, quite interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful photos from such a yucky day. Can't wait to see what daylight brings.
