Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kitty Fail

Kitty fail! I totally forgot to get the kitties food when I was out grocery shopping and having Tristan's car worked on this afternoon. They barely have enough food for tonight and tomorrow so, I WILL REALLY have to remember to get it on the way home from work tomorrow .

On the way to Cosco from Keller's, I planned on stopping by the vet's to get Stretch's prescription food, then go by PetsMart to get regular cat food. However, the kitty food totally slipped my mind when I got into a race with a Prius and drove right by the veterinary clinic. I was driving Tristan's piece of junk (as she calls it) Kia Rio Cinco (that used to belong to me) that I had been working on today, and had taken in to Walmart to get a tire repaired and the front wheels balanced. She complains that it has no power, and said it had a shimmy in the front end. While it's no match for Laurie's Mazda Speed 3, it holds it's own against most cars, especially the way a lot of people poke around Corrales and Albuquerque as if they're going to die if they drive the speed limit. 

By chance I pulled up next to a Prius at the first light past MontaƱo heading north on Coors. I brandished a piece of beef jerky I bought at Keller's at the lady driving the Prius. She recoiled in disgust over the dried meat, then snarled at me. I glared at her and revved the engine. She could only snarl back since she apparently couldn't rev the Prius. The light turned green and the race was on. She got me on the jump out of the light, but once the piece of junk revved up, I shot right by her (and the vet's), ending up quite a bit over the speed limit before I had to slow down to under the speed limit to go through the light and the red light camera at Paseo. I noticed two things driving well over the speed limit 1) I got three green lights in a row on Coors (unheard of), and 2) there was no shimmy in the front end of Tristan's car. Since I forgot to get kitty food at the vet's, I didn't have it in the car to remind me to go by PetsMart after Costco, and thus failed to get kitty food today.


  1. Where is this lovely holiday photo?

  2. Um. . .I guess I meant a little more specifically :-)

  3. Across from the Fire Station just south of the the San Ysidro Church and Wagner's Fram.

  4. Your story is a RIOT!!! Last Friday I was picking up some seasoning packages on Montgomery at Comfort Foods and found myself across from VCA which is where I buy Shamu's TD dry food...fateful extra stop that morning because I looked into the kittens for adoption pen - which I always do - I love animals, love cats, but don't FALL in love with all of them - but of the 4 this time, one looked up and I knew I was in trouble!!! I called my mother who I thought was or should be in the market for a cat having lost her dear Angel about 3 years with great reservation and bit of protestation, she came later that day and had the same feeling - the kitten's eyes - those flat on the top outlined in white most unusal eyes!!! With a tawny tiger coat - she was too cute...She's been home with Mom since Saturday...yesterday she got her name...Pikabu!! So THAT'S my cat food story of the week!!!

  5. I so glad you adopted one of the kittens. It's really dangerous to look in the kittens for adoption box. I usually want to take several home!
