Saturday, May 7, 2011

Compensating for what?

Tristan thinks big lenses are compensating! Well they are quite useful actually. Laurie got a photo of me before I ventured downtown to check out National Train Day, and give "le long lens" a workout. 

The lens performed wonderfully, capturing lots of indoor and outdoor photos of trains, Harley Davidsons, air-borne BMX riders, kitties and flowers. Not only did the lens perform wonderfully, it got me lots of respect from pretty much everyone. I had several people, including a TSA agent, ask if f I was from the press. When I said no, they asked "so you're freelance?" I answered "Yes!" as I didn't want to prolong the conversations. But I found it very interesting how I was treated differently from the other photographers because I was wielding a huge lens. 

I ran across a professional photographer who was shooting film, and we talked for quite a while. He's a train buff and getting ready to head out on a train journey to California, Seattle, Detroit then back to Albuquerque. 

I stopped by the post office on the way home to get our mail, and heard an announcer and cheering at the Corrales Skate park across the soccer fields from the post office. I ventured over and they were having a BMX stunt competition. The rider in the photo circled his bike 4 or 5 times under him then landed on the pedals. There was much celebration of his conquering the stunt, which included him running around holding his bike over his head, and the other riders mobbing him to hug and congratulate him. I got it all on digital film, but we liked the one of him air-borne the best.

The kitty of the day is Diné and I included a Japanese-like rendition of Austrian Copper.

Train Watching

Austrian Copper

1 comment:

  1. Impressive. But the photo Laurie got of you may be my favorite. :-)
